Instinct Healthy Cravings Grain Free Recipe Variety Pack Natural Wet Dog Food Topper by Nature’s Variety, 3 Ounce (Pack…

GRAIN FREE DOG FOOD TOPPER VARIETY PACK: Instinct Healthy Cravings wet dog food topper variety pack contains the perfect selection of natural dog food toppers or dog treats. Add the delicious taste and variety that small dogs to large dogs crave.
NATURAL WET DOG FOOD TOPPERS WITH SAVORY GRAVY: Made with cuts of USA raised beef, cage free chicken or grass fed lamb in savory gravy. Made without grain, potato, corn, wheat, soy, carrageenan, artificial colors or preservatives.
EASY TO SERVE WET DOG FOOD POUCH: Healthy Cravings pouches are convenient, easy open pouches that make serving quicker and easier than canned dog food. Made with natural ingredients and real meat to support healthy digestion and skin & coat.


Flavor Name:Variety Pack | Size:3 oz. Pouches (Pack of 12)

Add the taste and variety that your dog craves with Instinct Healthy Cravings portable dog food pouches. Made with grain free cuts of meat in a savory gravy and always made without grain, potato, corn, wheat, soy, carrageenan, artificial colors or preservatives – ingredients known to trigger food sensitivity. Healthy Cravings pouches are convenient, easy open pouches that make serving quicker and easier than can dog food. Feed on its own, as a dog food topper, or mix into dry dog food – Instinct Healthy Cravings dog food wet pouches are the perfect complement to your dog’s meal. Our grain free wet dog food offers supplemental nutrition from real ingredients to support your dog’s health from puppy to senior and available in a variety of recipes: USA Raised Beef, Cage Free Chicken, Grass Fed Lamb and Wild Caught Salmon. Made in the USA with the finest ingredients from around the world. Satisfaction guaranteed. Questions? Call Instinct at 888-519-7387.

GRAIN FREE DOG FOOD TOPPER VARIETY PACK: Instinct Healthy Cravings wet dog food topper variety pack contains the perfect selection of natural dog food toppers or dog treats. Add the delicious taste and variety that small dogs to large dogs crave.
NATURAL WET DOG FOOD TOPPERS WITH SAVORY GRAVY: Made with cuts of USA raised beef, cage free chicken or grass fed lamb in savory gravy. Made without grain, potato, corn, wheat, soy, carrageenan, artificial colors or preservatives.
EASY TO SERVE WET DOG FOOD POUCH: Healthy Cravings pouches are convenient, easy open pouches that make serving quicker and easier than canned dog food. Made with natural ingredients and real meat to support healthy digestion and skin & coat.
RAW INSPIRED GRAIN FREE DOG FOOD POUCHES: Our grain free wet dog food offers supplemental nutrition from real ingredients to support your dog’s health from puppy to senior. Made in the USA with the finest ingredients from around the world.
OUR BEST DOG FOOD TOPPER: We craft wet & dry dog food from real ingredients. Compare Instinct to Blue Buffalo, Rachel Ray, Hills Science Diet, Purina One, Taste of the Wild, Merrick, Natural Balance, Wellness, Orijen, Royal Canin, Fromm, Acana & Nutro.

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