Stella & Chewy’s Freeze Dried Raw Super Beef Meal Mixer – Dog Food Topper for Small & Large Breeds – Grain Free, Protein…

Perfect for picky eaters! Add a scoop of Meal Mixers dog food topper to dry food or kibble for a raw boost of nutrition & taste. Your dog will love Stella’s Super Beef Meal Mixers’ 95% grass-fed beef, organs and bone plus organic fruits & veggies
Made in the USA – each small batch of Meal Mixers freeze-dried raw dog food toppers is crafted in Stella & Chewy’s own USA kitchen. All ingredients are responsibly sourced.
All natural and minimally processed. Because the closer foods stay to their natural state, the better they are for your pet. Meal Mixers freeze-dried raw dog food contains NO added hormones, antibiotics, grains, peas, lentils or potatoes. And is 100% complete and balanced for all life stages


Flavor Name:Beef | Size:3.5-Ounce

Every pet parent wants wholesome, natural nutrition for their pet. Stella & Chewy’s raw diets focus on pure ingredients and raw protein so you can feed them as nature intended. At Stella & Chewy’s we believe that pure raw nutrition fed in its natural state is the best way to help your pet thrive. Our limited ingredient recipes are simple and pure. Each batch of Meal Mixers starts with 95% or more meat, organs and bone and is often a single source of animal protein, the perfect solution for pets with food sensitivities. Each protein is grass-fed, cage-free or wild caught to guarantee your pet is eating as nature intended. All of the produce in our recipes are 100% organic certified, grown by farmers we trust. Our all-natural recipes are crafted with care in our own USA kitchen to provide the highest levels of protein rich meat and quality grain-free nutrition for your pet, as if they were in the wild. In the Stella & Chewy’s kitchen, we take time to craft each recipe in small batches from the world’s finest ingredients. All of our ingredients are responsibly sourced.

Perfect for picky eaters! Add a scoop of Meal Mixers dog food topper to dry food or kibble for a raw boost of nutrition & taste. Your dog will love Stella’s Super Beef Meal Mixers’ 95% grass-fed beef, organs and bone plus organic fruits & veggies
Made in the USA – each small batch of Meal Mixers freeze-dried raw dog food toppers is crafted in Stella & Chewy’s own USA kitchen. All ingredients are responsibly sourced.
All natural and minimally processed. Because the closer foods stay to their natural state, the better they are for your pet. Meal Mixers freeze-dried raw dog food contains NO added hormones, antibiotics, grains, peas, lentils or potatoes. And is 100% complete and balanced for all life stages
Raw nutrition and convenience – It’s easier than ever to give your pet real raw nutrition with the convenience of freeze-dried. No rehydration or preparation necessary. Simply scoop, mix and serve
Supports better health for your pet with improved appetite and digestion, relief from allergies, shiny skin and coat, healthy teeth and gums, increased energy and stamina, and healthy immune system
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE on “Ships from and sold by” items. Questions? Contact Stella & Chewy’s at 888-477-8977

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